The Canadian Dream

Fulfil your career aspirations with BizTech College


Newcomer to Canada

BizTech College assist newcomers in Mississauga and Greater Toronto Area to get the training and support needed to find apt work in their fields. Our short duration programs help align the skills with provincial requirements of internationally qualified employees so that you are well prepared to join the workforce.

Short term courses in Canada for international students

As a career college, we focus on job readiness and help you acquire much-needed Canadian work experience to succeed in the chosen field.

Short Term Technology Programs

If you are planning for latest IT Certifications to validate or upgrade your credentials, checkout 
IT Bootcamp

For information on various bridging programs offered across Ontario, visit the following links: 

  • Ontario Bridging Training programs that help newcomers get their license or certificate in their profession or trade, so they can work in Ontario; 

BizTech College also offers Financial Assistance to Newcomers to Canada.

International Students Already in Canada 

Being a career college, we offer job-oriented, short duration programs. Internships and clinical placements as part of the programs help you acquire right skills to enter the workforce, quickly! 

Key Reasons to Transfer to BizTech College

Already in Canada

Reasonable Fee

Already in Canada

Job-oriented Programs

Already in Canada

Placement Assistance